Polish/English Guild In Webzen game S.U.N. - Soul Of Ultimate Nation
Strony: 1
I need a lot of beer.
Its going to be a bit so use find function of those codes.
To bedzie kawalek tekstu uzyj wyszukiwania kodu.
Pics will be added at 15.30 gtm 0 (29.01.2010r)
and Guide will be translated. Posible Moves explaining how what works.
EN37DS3 - English Part
PL82DS3 - Polska Czesc
Im going keep Upgrading and updating this tutorial like guide so keep n eye for it from time to time.
20.01.2010r- Birth of Topic. (narodziny tematu)
EN37DS3- English Part
Item variations in shops
Every item have few options like Str/ Combat requiment or str/agi str/Draconic agi/str just look and think with one you need for your build.
Missions in city
After while i becomed lazy we can do missions like cerber in city you know ? here is sample.Spoiler:
What is this for ?
Maxi Stone Enchanting to higher item lvl (better def/attack)
Over Stone Same as up but used for bit better items tan at start.
Mega Stone The highest level of enchancing material.
They can come in fragments so you can try craft each 10 fragments of any stone or crystal to make a full stone/crystal
Sack of Gold powder - Material used to craft set for 72-80 lvl players worth 600-800k !!
Magic Thread - Same as Up thro worth 300-500k
PL82DS3 - Polska Czesc
Strony: 1