NonMortal SUN Online

Polish/English Guild In Webzen game S.U.N. - Soul Of Ultimate Nation

#1 2010-01-29 00:36:11


I need a lot of beer.

Zarejestrowany: 2010-01-28
Posty: 10
Punktów :   

Team Speak 2? Ventrillo ?

1. With one you prefere?
1. Które wolisz?

2. Why ?
2. Dlaczego?

3. Would you join to hear us out and write in game ?
3. Wpadl bys chociaz posluchac i odpowiadal chociazby w grze ?

Ts2/Ventrillo server would be payed by me so you can rest safely.

10.02.2010 will be server brought.

And personaly im for :
1. Ventrillo
2. habbit aleady
3. yup. i like to chat with people with free hands (can play and chat fully )

"Czlowieku okryty pylem martwych slow wykap swa dusze w milczeniu" Rabinath Tagore
"Human covered in ash of dead words bath your soul in silence"
(tried to translate it thro i could failed )


If you want copy anything give credits to this Guild and its respective creators. Jesli chcesz cos skopiowac daj chociazby adnotacje co do naszej gildi i twórcy tematu.

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